Ballantini Dario
Dario Ballantini was born in Livorno in 1964. Livornese artist with a multifaceted personality, Dario Ballantini, has been dedicated to art and performing arts for over thirty years. A skilled imitator and actor, known to the general public for his chameleon-like ability to transform, the artist reveals his most sincere face in painting: a liberating act that comes from a deep and inexhaustible expressive need.
Fascinated by the formal outcomes achieved by the historical avant-gardes of the early 1900s and in particular by German expressionism, Ballantini elaborates an expressive language free from design schemes, characterized by the dynamic use of the sign and color, with which he external his vision of the world. Brushstrokes with an accentuated chromatism with a prevalence of red, blue and black tones, masterful but in a hurry, stage the most elusive in human existence: the man, victim and executioner of his time, is lost and defenceless in front of the incessant passage of time. With simplicity and immediacy of expression, Ballantini's man struggles in the chaos generated by anguish and solitude, and questions the mystery of life in a world embodied by the great industrial metropolis.
And it is precisely the face of the human being investigated in its thousand facets and masks, "the best landscape that there can be in the painting", as Ballantini himself states, to suggest a way to escape from the huge contemporary existential crisis: in those faces, the observer recognizes and identifies himself, finding a principle of hope and rebirth.