About the artist

Mayer Tasch Verena


Verena Mayer-Tasch (b. 1968, Mainz, Germany) studied at the Dominikus Zimmermann Gymnasium before earning a carpenter diploma. After moving to Carrara, she graduated in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1992, she has exhibited internationally and participated in numerous sculpture symposiums. She co-manages *Studio Marmore +* in Carrara, where she lives and works, continuing her exploration of form and material.

Verena Mayer-Tasch (b. 1968, Mainz, Germany) studied at the Dominikus Zimmermann Gymnasium before earning a carpenter diploma. After moving to Carrara, she graduated in Sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1992, she has exhibited internationally and participated in numerous sculpture symposiums. She co-manages *Studio Marmore +* in Carrara, where she lives and works, continuing her exploration of form and material.
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